Over the river and through the woods .. hmmm, but no snow, grandma or river so I will look at the gloom out the window n compose great thoughts.. 😉
Didnt figure it would happen but now planning a 2025 photo project. I make to town about 65 times a year and spend about 2 hrs on Mt P.. but there are all the photos I see the chipmunks posting
Email pics taken from Mt Pleasant and send them here
mtpview@googlegroups.com Not a chat group, just a collection of photos taken by others that love our magic 'mountain'. I hope to collect pics of Mount Pleasant during 2025 and create a composite video.
Photos contributed will appear here https://groups.google.com/g/mtpview
Mount Pleasant FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/mt.pleasant.risingpark
I suppose most fb pals I make are from taking their pics
or when I can't sleep at night n send a request to every
one suggested by FB
If you are not from our turf but not far away, the weather
looks nice, bring your pals for a visit :)
Seeing it is gonna be nasty for a few days n the sun was out, I just went to take pics of the face of Mt P, but got to see a girl I kind of know n a guy recording a singing guy.. wanted to tell em stuff but..
At this time of day with little clouds, the sun will make u squint.. but in about 15 minutes will be a soft glow..
Met this girl from france .. hmmm :)
branches shadows, light spots.. so
I got her to stand behind the tree there with her eyes protected from the sun.... much better.. her first time up, so in case she doesnt make it again, I transformed her into the sunset a bit later
The gps thing on the camera shows exactly where the pic was taken and the direction the camera was pointed.
I finally got froggy to explore beyond the stairs, Puparonia was afraid to climb em so put her in my imaginary world.
Took a long time to get out of the sack, a walk with the pup n thought of things to do with photography n the sun popped out.. Truck wouldnt start so we took the wrangler, forgot things I needed to try my ideas.
I did manage to capture some mt p chipmunks. Forgot the flash light so we didnt stay long
One of the kids on the far end knew me, a couple n their little pup n I made an attempt to capture a guy n his kids in the magic tree.. I did something wrong but rescued em in photoshop
Cool sunset n on the way down, some kids told me where I could capture the panorama with out trees in the way :)
I forgot these last night, took em with a different camera.. I had the telephoto on and couldnt squeeze em in the pic so backed up no flash vs flash
Wanted to capture the buildings below so I backed up and raised the camera over my head.. well I captured a couple that includes the city below..
Trying out a compass camera really didnt capture any great shots, the lighting was not right n I couldnt see to poke buttons
This camera not only captures the gps but also the compass heading when the pic was taken. Might not mean much until I finish the project then I hope ..
Went out again to try the ups compass.
Four pals n a pup on the first ledge, n thought it would be a pic they would keep n share.
A thought of long ago when my girlfriend and another couple parked in a wheat field with my brand new 67 Camero .. good friends n cool places just hanging out.
The sky was ify, but I zoomed in one spot jacked up the sturation n decreased the exposure comp, to make it pop.
I got to take some pics of a guy n his kids, Puparonia made out tonight, hearing the squeels and laughter.
I saw another group looked like they were leaving n asked em if they would like a pic together.. Asking me how much I charged 👀
I did get a nice pic.. for em
Sitting on a rock not wanting to come home, some boys came along n I got to do their pics.
Oh, one other as soon as I hit the crest coming up, I spotted two girls n asked to capture a pic of em together. Guess the girl does weddings n stuff .
Another mark in the book of my mount pleasant adventures
I took pics of some kids training their puppy, but didnt tell em so I wont post it, pics of something written on a rock but not sure of the meaning so..
But did get a few ok pics of couples, a girl n pups n her pal and a nice girl came up I kind of know.. a couple years now. Most people come n go n some come back for visits.
The girl out on the rock was the hardest, back lit, wind blowing pretty hard
Did a pic of the girl I know with her pup and our shadows.
Went to try the compass camera I bought, but couldnt see the lcd and had the mode wheel on the wrong spot.. oh well
Oh yeah I took a candid of a guy getting a selfie with his pup, hope he finds it
An onrey cloud came n so I did some 'artistic' things to these pals pic.. looks like they just voted.. :)
The thinker.. me a bit hyper but this chipmunk takes in the view, low tone but a good guy
I noticed four damsels on their way up the trail, wasnt sure but kind of got a cool pic of em.
Luke making another trip to the top on his bike :)
Goofed off too long and it was overcast but I captured a couple chipmunks . :)